Cancellations & Returns

Orders cannot be cancelled once shipped. If you need to cancel your order, please do so on the same day you placed your order prior to shipment.

All returns must be authorized - No Exceptions!

Returns for damaged goods may be authorized for either exchange or refund. All other returns will be charged a 20% restocking fee. A request for return authorization can be completed by logging into your account and submitting the proper form. Do NOT return any merchandise without a properly issued RMA. Returns without an RMA will not be accepted. Once a request for return has been approved, you will receive an email with instructions for returning the product. Please follow the instructions provided. If you have questions, please email us. Please note that RMA's expire 10 days after issuance.
We will gladly accept the return or products that are defective due to defects in manufacturing and/or workmanship for 10 days from the date of purchase. Fulfillment mistakes that we make resulting in the shipment of incorrect products to you will also be accepted for return 10 days from date of purchase. Refunds are at the discretion of Lew's Store. For orders paid via credit card, if a refund is issued, it will be issued as a credit to the card account used for payment of the order.

All returned items, other than damaged goods, must be in new, unused, unworn, resellable condition and in the original packaging, Merchandise that has been customized or otherwise altered in any manner cannot be returned.

Items damaged during shipment must be reported to the carrier first to initiate the claims process for replacement of the item. Typically, this should be done at receipt of the package.

Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. Lew's Store is not responsible for items lost in return shipments.

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We will be closed the week of Thanksgiving from Monday, Nov. 25th through Friday, Nov.29th. Orders received during that week will be processed and shipped beginning on Monday, Dec. 2nd.